In order to meet the international needs of our clients, we are members of “ILAS”, International Legal & Accounting Solutions, an international association of independent auditors, accountants, tax advisory and law firms.
AUDITRADE is an independent auditor and consulting firm with over twenty years experience in providing high-level professional advice.
We aim to obtain the best results for our clients through our rigorous methods, team work and motivation to provide reliable solutions in each case. We pride ourselves on our personalized and ethical approach to all client relationships. Staff training is an essential part of our work and we continually build on our skills and knowledge. We value our team’s input to obtain the best corporate approach to all issues.

Registered in the “Official Auditor of Accounts Register (ROAC) of the ICAC”, nº S0469
Member of the “Institute of Chartered Accountants of Spain (ICJCE)”, nº 360
Member of the “College of Chartered Accountants of Catalonia (CCJCC)”
Member of the “Catalan Association of Accounting and Management (ACCID)”